Our Programming

Junkies Next Door

Filmmaker: Steven Rosenbaum
Year: 2002
Length: 44 Minutes
Color: Color
Details: HDTV


Heroin – the drug glamorized in movies like Trainspotting and turned into
fantasy by fashion trends like “heroin chic”. Use is on the rise, particularly for
young women, a group ignored by drug abuse experts and specialists. But in
Santa Cruz, CA, a controversial community of self-named “girl junkies”
blossomed. With 25 year old Heather Edney at the helm, the Needle Exchange
Program is run by and for young women users. They even produce their own
Zine, which tells “true stories from girl junkies”. Not everyone in Santa Cruz is
happy about the idea of fostering a community of drug users. Some community
activists say the only way to get kids to detox is to get them away from drugs. But
what is this community really like? We’ll go inside the world of these girl junkies,
and take a look the highs and lows they face on a daily basis.


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